Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

vineri, 4 februarie 2011

Fake it, they won't know.

this is the result of all those yucky feelings in my stomach and the head ache you all caused.
this is every fucked emotion that sends you crying into your palms and writing prose that says other things but really just means fuck you.

it's revolting and it's sickness and it's dirt and it's flies and it's hate and it's miserable and it's the worst way we could ever fall and it's violence.

you will hate this.
but it's a part of me, right now.
red's not a fast colour-it's an angry one.

grow your secrets in your hair because, darling, no one will search for them there.

miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

"Colegi de la gradinita, uniti-va!"

Ieri am avut parte de o superba reuniune de 10 ani de la gradinita. Ce copii mari!
Am stat cu totii in jurul celor 2 mese rotunde de sus si ne-am amintit iubirile noastre de acum un deceniu, de educatoarele si staff-ul de la gradinita, de canile de inox si mancarea dubioasa, de prieteniile Jul-Anca-factori exteriori neimportanti, de mine si Razvan si jocurille noastre inainte de culcare, de Luci si doamna Costache si toate bataile pe care le-a primit, de patul lui Lili si Stefania, de Radu si Ioana, de Razvan si Virigil si de toti ceilalti carora numele ne suna cunoscut dar nimeni nu-si mai aminteste fetele. Si dupa a urmat Mafia- cu Jurda mereu mort si Anca-fata-de-killer; mai vreau; mai mergem.
♥ ne vedem peste 20 de ani!